Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I just can't do this anymore

Well, of course my day started great then a friend announcing her pregnancy. I just can't do this anymore. I went and talked to my pastor at church who said that the Lord has set consequences for our actions of not praying before we had the vasectomy and that those consequences are the antisperm antibodies,so it looks as if we will never have any more children. I can't do this, I can't get over this.It's consuming my life and I'm angry.I'm angry at the fact that I respected my husbands wishes to have the Vasectomy,that I was too afraid to speak up and stop the vasectomy and now I may never feel that precious life grow inside me again,nor give birth or breastfeed.

I wish I would have never gave up breastfeeding my baby girl,I could have had a few more months of that bonding.

This is really not fair.

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