Friday, August 5, 2011

Count down to back to school

We have decided that Aug 8th for our 2nd grader and Pre-k'er will be our first day back to school, We are kicking off our back to school day with a bang and having a cake eating contest, I know weird. we will also be reading these interesting books this yr as part of the curriculum I put together myself.

My new school
Friends at school
The pledge of the allegiance
The little red hen
The kissing hand
a Splendid friend indeed
Mouses first day of school
How many can play

What are some of the back to school events are you having?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Our Math activity for Pre-K

I printed out number cards on card stock and took a marker and drew different shapes on the card to match the number's.I also did some stickers on some of the cards to show the number as well.

Then what we do is take some dried beans, or even buttons and they turn 1 card at a time over and count out the counters to match the numbers.

This can also go well with matching shapes as well with numbers,sort of like two for one,matching shapes and numbers.