Tuesday, July 29, 2008

1 month from today our lives will change

One month from today our lives will change. It will be the day Chuck gets a vasectomy reversal.I'm so nervous as the day approaches. I can't believe it will come so quick,I mean in exactly 1 month. I keep thinking of what we will be doing the night before,the week after,2 weeks after,a month after. I wonder when our great Lord will bless us. I think we will wait a bit for some unresolved matters to take place first before we begin our journey of trying to concieve. It's nothing God can't fix and we will take whatever the good Lord has in store for us.
I often lay in bed and wonder when I do get preggo,what we will have,will he be a he,or will she be a she. I'm so wanting another little boy b/c my little boy is turning out to be a big boy now,and I'll be saying good-bye for college,and I'll miss him.I so want another little princess like her sisters. In fact my oldest daughter said to me the other day " mom I dreamed you had another little girl and she looked just like Catey".
Another chapter in our lives will begin August 29th.

Daisypath Wedding Ticker


Jen said...

Congrats and how exciting! Can't wait to see you soon. Isn't it next week?!?! :-)

Sabrina said...

I can't wait for you (or him) to have it done! I hope it works quickly!