Ps 127:3 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man: so are the children of the youth.Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed,but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Our miracle turned 4 months old
Can not believe how time has flown with Gracilynn and her growing.I can't believe she is 4 months already. I remember the day all too well when we got the BFp Dec15th to be exact. So far she is eating her fists, I hope she thinks they taste good b/c she is constantly fist eating. She can't sit up quite yet but she will soon ,I have not had her in for her 4month old check up yet,I will soon though,we are not doing the vaccinations with her don't ask me why,she is the only one we have not. I think it's odd b/c our other 6 we have. I just feel it's not worth it, I mean most of those diseases we don't even have around these days unless we are going over seas and I find it a waste. Ok,off my soap box.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Its been forever since I have written anything,so much has happened in our lives.We gave birth to our beautiful 5th girl,7th child. She had a rought start but made it by the Grace of God. I truly felt God watching over her and I.She is now 3 months old,born July 23rd. During the same time we welcomed our newest Niece Charlotte Linn into the world,my Bil and Sil gave birth July as well,and I's super excited for them. My brother had a little girl in March which makes his 3rd daughter.
We are on our 3rd yr homeschooling and God is working tremendously in our lives b/c of it and more that needs work. I am going through a transformation during it,I have had no patience but again by God's Grace he is teaching me to become more patient with my kids.To let things go and not put so much infesious on stuff.
Our 9yr old and 6yr old started their cheer competitions,it's our 9yr old's 3rd yr cheering and our 6yr olds second yr,they both love it. Our 3yr old daughter started tumbling class last week and has been the cutest one doing it.
We are on our 3rd yr homeschooling and God is working tremendously in our lives b/c of it and more that needs work. I am going through a transformation during it,I have had no patience but again by God's Grace he is teaching me to become more patient with my kids.To let things go and not put so much infesious on stuff.
Our 9yr old and 6yr old started their cheer competitions,it's our 9yr old's 3rd yr cheering and our 6yr olds second yr,they both love it. Our 3yr old daughter started tumbling class last week and has been the cutest one doing it.
My life
Saturday, April 17, 2010
22wks and counting our blessings to be bringing #7 into the world August
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Gosh I have not been around in like ages
Well,first things first we expecting a little girl in August Gracilynn June will be her name,I'm super excited our 5th girl.
Next homeschooling is going great,learning alot of new things.
In a nut shell things are going according to God's plans and I could not be happier.
I'll update as soon as I can.
Next homeschooling is going great,learning alot of new things.
In a nut shell things are going according to God's plans and I could not be happier.
I'll update as soon as I can.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
I have been reading a very awesome book
Ok,so first I am a born again Christian,have been since I was 16yrs old. My husband as well. I have not walked the walk with God or for God like I should so many times.Lately I have had this conviction to start walking the walk that God has designed me and so many Christians to walk.
I have been going to my womens bible study and God has blessed us sooo much,beyond anything I can comprehend even when I thought God had forgotten us,he gave us a miracle Child.
So, I have been reading this book and I have to say it's is absolutely awesome,it has opened my eyes, I now get up every morning,ok I missed a couple,and I feel it in the end.But I get up 6:30am pray and read my bible and meditate on the Lord and all he has given and will bless me with..
I have been going to my womens bible study and God has blessed us sooo much,beyond anything I can comprehend even when I thought God had forgotten us,he gave us a miracle Child.
So, I have been reading this book and I have to say it's is absolutely awesome,it has opened my eyes, I now get up every morning,ok I missed a couple,and I feel it in the end.But I get up 6:30am pray and read my bible and meditate on the Lord and all he has given and will bless me with..

Thursday, January 28, 2010
My appt tuesday and a picture of you
Tuesday afternoon,I had a Dr's appt.Mommy was so nervous but I did very well. You are so loved and mommy has been neglecting you so much,by not bonding with you like I should.
At 1:30 pm the Dr said she was going to do a u/s and i got to see my beautiful baby.I'm sooo excited beyond belief you are growing so good.Your sister/brother's can not wait and your daddy constantly speaks to you and even rubs mommy's tummy.You are definately wanted by all.
Ok,so here is your picture just 10wks5days old in my tummy.
Mommy loves you
At 1:30 pm the Dr said she was going to do a u/s and i got to see my beautiful baby.I'm sooo excited beyond belief you are growing so good.Your sister/brother's can not wait and your daddy constantly speaks to you and even rubs mommy's tummy.You are definately wanted by all.
Ok,so here is your picture just 10wks5days old in my tummy.
Mommy loves you

Monday, January 25, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
To my dear precious baby
Today I got to thinking maybe I should start to write to you,since by the time you'll be able to read this will be in quite a few years.
I remember the day your dad and I started to think our family was not yet completely done,but knew it would take a miracle from God to conceive you.
It took such a long road and many,many heartaches and dissappointments that sometimes mommy really did not believe God would grant us this one wish.I finally started to give in and say ok God maybe we are not to have anymore children,so I'll just keep trying to be closer to my children and trying to really grow within you.It was hard,I won't say it wasn't because mommy's faith really took a toll on her.
In July we had gotten the word we finally were pregnant only to find out your brother/sister was not going to make it,unfortunately mommy and daddy's heart was yet once again heart broken.
We got through it,with alot of prayer,great friends and each other.
In December,daddy and I decided we'd try one more time,just in case God had in his heart to bring you to us,well on December 15th,we got the news that yes indeed we got pregnant.In the beginning it was touch and go but you hung on,we saw your little heart beat when you were 7wk1day old and i'm so thankful to God he showed us his mercy and gave you to us.
I remember the day your dad and I started to think our family was not yet completely done,but knew it would take a miracle from God to conceive you.
It took such a long road and many,many heartaches and dissappointments that sometimes mommy really did not believe God would grant us this one wish.I finally started to give in and say ok God maybe we are not to have anymore children,so I'll just keep trying to be closer to my children and trying to really grow within you.It was hard,I won't say it wasn't because mommy's faith really took a toll on her.
In July we had gotten the word we finally were pregnant only to find out your brother/sister was not going to make it,unfortunately mommy and daddy's heart was yet once again heart broken.
We got through it,with alot of prayer,great friends and each other.
In December,daddy and I decided we'd try one more time,just in case God had in his heart to bring you to us,well on December 15th,we got the news that yes indeed we got pregnant.In the beginning it was touch and go but you hung on,we saw your little heart beat when you were 7wk1day old and i'm so thankful to God he showed us his mercy and gave you to us.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Our first picture of our baby bean
I'm proud to announce after cramping and light bleeding,we finally saw our precious little baby, with a heart beat of 130.I can not put in words what a relief this was. During Bible study this morning,I realized I had not entirely put my trust in God.I'm still in shock and mostly in shock that God actually answered our prayers and gave us this miracle child,and I had not been the faithful,but it wasn't until I learned to be content with what I had and not what I did not have.
So, here is our little baby bean.
So, here is our little baby bean.

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