This past Wednesday,I had the unfortunate experience attending a funderal for a friend of mine from church. It was the funeral of her little boy Clayton Dean,he was 2 1/2 yrs old. He was so full of life,vibrant,smiling and very high strung,but what little boy isn't.
It was a very sad day for all of us on Wednesday July 16th,it would be a day that would change all of us at church.The Sunday before was when we all got the terrible news of little Clayton passing.. The accident happened Saturday night July 12th. I got a call that night that they had been a bad accident,it was my friend,her daughter,her son and her niece. That night her little boy Clayton went to meet the Lord.
Today I sit here and look at my babies and thank God I have them safe and sound. I see Emily's vibrant little smile with her big brown eyes. Her beautiful blonde hair and the light that makes her shine. The love of the Lord she reveals daily. I see Ally,my almost 7yr old and can't forget the day I gave birth,or the day I found out. My Ally,her blonde hair and her brown eyes,so full of life. My red headed Catey,her beautiful big blue eyes and her crooked little smile,her funny little laugh,when her sisters push her around the room on her scooter. Corey,my strong willed argumentative son,who will forever live with his parents,so he says. He is my ray of sunshine,my little man is no little boy anymore,he is almost a man. Brandon,to whom I care for,the boy who was once this sweet little,quite,shy little boy is now becoming a young teen at the age of 16.My big girl and first born,Nicole,we have had our differences and have always bounced back. We have such a close relationship. A mother and daughter relationship that will never cease.The kind of relationship,you wish you had with your own mother,the kind where you could talk about anything.
To my babies,I pray daily the Lord watches over you. I pray his angels cover you during your time away from me.
I pray for my friend and her family,for guidance,for peace and understanding.