Today I got to thinking maybe I should start to write to you,since by the time you'll be able to read this will be in quite a few years.
I remember the day your dad and I started to think our family was not yet completely done,but knew it would take a miracle from God to conceive you.
It took such a long road and many,many heartaches and dissappointments that sometimes mommy really did not believe God would grant us this one wish.I finally started to give in and say ok God maybe we are not to have anymore children,so I'll just keep trying to be closer to my children and trying to really grow within you.It was hard,I won't say it wasn't because mommy's faith really took a toll on her.
In July we had gotten the word we finally were pregnant only to find out your brother/sister was not going to make it,unfortunately mommy and daddy's heart was yet once again heart broken.
We got through it,with alot of prayer,great friends and each other.
In December,daddy and I decided we'd try one more time,just in case God had in his heart to bring you to us,well on December 15th,we got the news that yes indeed we got pregnant.In the beginning it was touch and go but you hung on,we saw your little heart beat when you were 7wk1day old and i'm so thankful to God he showed us his mercy and gave you to us.