Ps 127:3 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man: so are the children of the youth.Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed,but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate
Tonight about 4yrs ago, I was in labor with my now beautiful surprise blessing, Emily. God knew what he was doing when he surprised us with her. Her father and I have always said God knew what he did. He gave us this surprise baby to get our lives straight and to watch her ever so sweet spirit blossom. She truly has been a blessing to all of us; she is the ray of our sunshine daily. She can light up a room whenever she walks in. She has this light about her when she talks about the Lord, she truly does love God. I think she'll be my minister one day. She struts around telling everyone Jesus died on the cross and rose again. I remember feeling so overwhelmed about giving birth because she was my fourth; I thought could I do this with four kids. I remember my labor unfortunately with our Emily; we had gone to the L&D about 50 times before the last was a final stay. I kept saying I know I'm, in labor, I just know it, and sure enough I was not. The last and final trip I told my husband I'm not leaving unless I leave with a baby. The doctors had a bet that she'd come out 9lbs,but of course you'll have to wait for our surprise in the morning because that is when she was born. We arrived at the hospital, the Naval Medical Center to be exact about 8ish,the night before. I had been so exhausted from being at L&D the few nights before. I can't wait to see my beautiful baby. Tomorrow she will have been born at 8am 4yrs ago.