Friday, January 18, 2013

No pregnancy this month

Well it looks like no pregnancy this month, I decided I will loose a ton of weight in hopes that will help, I am still fertile and in excellent health, my OB Dr doesnt see why we cant be pregnant. We have lost 4 precious babies that were so much wanted,and our hearts hurt so much because of the those losses. So onto next month. My OB does think because of my c-section and the way it was cut that I could have scar tissue preventing from the babies actually growing past a certain gestation. The last two were at 9weeks/11weeks and she thinks its a possibility that they implanted on the scar and therefore not enough blood supply to keep going. So, will have an HSG, b/c we gave our womb over to God and we dont abstain or prevent or use birth control a pregnancy can happen.

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