I remember when I first got pregnant with the baby.I had a 16month old,just moved across country,my husband had just retired from the Navy and was starting his job very soon and was an hr and half a way from home.I was so over whelmed and did not want another baby so soon.Unfortunately God had other plans for me.
We found out Mother's Day 2006.I was not happy but soon after the shock had warn off,I was happy.My husband was having to spend the weeks in another city for work and I was taking care of all the kids.
After about a week of having my blood drawn and countless u/s the Dr's said, "Mam, we don't think the baby is going to form" I was devestated beyond everything. I cried myself to sleep as my husband was not home.I had to go to the Dr's visits weekly by myself. In grief and dispair I prayed so hard.
Finally the day before my D&C which was today 3yrs ago.The Dr finally did another u/s to make sure.She came back and said, "Go home talk it over with your husband and call me back and let me know what y'all decide". I went home waited for my husband and told him,we agreed to have the D&C.
It was the worst feeling in my entire life.
I still greive and moarn for that precious life.