I have been such a wreck these last few days.I have longed for another baby since my hubby had his vasectomy. I felt my motherhood of having babies was over when it was done and I waited for so long for hubby to say yes,he wanted more. We had the vasectomy reversal done after waiting a yr from the original vasectomy,so in
essence I have waited to conceive our baby #8 since then. I took a pregnancy test yesterday, thought my eyes were playing tricks on me and of course they were. I felt crushed,so crushed. I have not felt very optimistic about this at all,something like God is saying
OK, I have other things for you to do first,then maybe I'll bless you with another child. After our miscarriage in June 2006, the Lord changed my perspective of having more children, and yet we went and surgically removed that,but soon we knew it was wrong. Now I feel as if I'm not going to get the
opportunity again.I guess waiting for the
vasectomy reversal to get here and now it has and I'm just not sure we will be blessed with another child. We are blessed beyond anything that is upon this
world,our children we have now. I know God does not do this stuff
intentionally,but I feel as if I'm not doing what I should be doing and maybe he is saying this to me through not conceiving. Why can't I be one of those that are able to
conceive so fast after a vasectomy reversal, Are we doing something wrong?
Alot of people tell me, it's just too early, it's in his timing,maybe it's not in his timing right now.