Monday, March 26, 2012

12 days of Easter

I have been really interested in this as our womens bible study is studying the book of John,it takes place during the curxificion and reserection of Jesus Christ.

 I have bought 12 eggs and in each egg will be a slip of paper, on the paper it will have a name,verse and activity.

12th day before Easter: We will say and decorate with paints very beautiful the name of "Jesus", we will talk about what the Name of Jesus means for example Son of God, Lamb of God,The Messiah,The Chosen one. We will read the verses in Luke 1,also in Phillipians 2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.

11th day: The fishes and loaves, how Jesus feeds the 5000. We will have fishes and bread for snack time, and read John 6:1-15,Luke 9, and Matthew 14. We will then discuss how so many people got full on such little food that Jesus provided and how when we have little food,we can know that Jesus will feed us and provide for us.

10th day: The storm. Jesus calms the storm: We will read Mark 4, Luke 8 and Matthew 8,we also have coloring page of Jesus in the boat,we will play with a boat in the bathtub and make a raging storm and see if we can stop it quickly,talk about how many times we have gone through storms in our lives and how qucikly Jesus calms those storms for us.

9th day: Jesus Heals the Blind Man, read John 9:28. Our activity will be blind folding everyone while I read the story,asking how does it feel to not be able to see anything, the sky,outside, peoples faces, the animals. If you touched something could you know what it is? How many of you would get tired of not being able to see? Then ask another person to walk with the blind folded person and to make sure they do not trip or fall along the way,tell them we need to be like that,to trust in Jesus to help us along the way,to rest assured Jesus will be there every step.

8th day: Jesus washes Feet: Reading John13 1-17how Jesus washed the 12 Disciples feet,and how Jesus was serving and being served, and how we need to serve and not put ourselves first. How royalty does not wash feet,but that the Kings of Kings did,and what that means. We will then make our king of kings crown with jewels,put on our crown and wash each other's feet. Washing of other feet is humility, that we need to be Christ like

7th day: Mary Magdalene washes Jesus washes feet: I love this one the best b/c it shows the love Mary Magdalene had for Jesus, Mary Magdalene was not of rich blood,and had the most expensive oil that she washed her Christ's feet with,she showed humility and humbleness towards her king,discuss the spikenard and it's worth now,and the reason for washing Jesus feet with expensive oil. Sample mommies perfume and oil.

6th day; The young rich ruler: Giving. Take something of value, and set it out on the table, read Luke 18:18-23 and Matthew 19,along with Acts 20.35.Then take the valued items on the table give each child an item, then go around and ask them to give it up to you,then turn around and give the item back now this time ask them to hand it to the next person, and teach how when Jesus asks the rich young ruler to give up all his riches,and teach it's better to give then receive. Have them pick a special toy of theirs and donate it to a special child.

5th day: Jesus Vists Zacchaeus: Small trinkets or small pieces of candy, read the bible verse Luke 19, and teach about them maybe forgetting people in their lives, have them write a small letter or note to someone they may have not spoken to in along time, and tell them they are thinking of them.

4th day: Jesus loved the Chidlren; Time voucher, each child will be able to write how they'd like to have time spent with a parent,talk about how Jesus loves children and how we ought to love children and remember that every child is gift. Ask the children if they can write down how they like to spend time with others. How do we show Jesus we love him? How can you show others you love them?

3rd day: Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, Read John 11. How he reacted to hearing of Lazarus death, how he was a real person in the flesh and how he walked the earth for many years going through the same turmoil we do today. How God walks with us and talks with us ALL the time.

2nd day: Jesus Dies on the Cross for our sins. Matthew 27, Luke 23 and John 19,make the crown of thorns, talk about the the hill of Galgotha that Jesus carried the cross, How it took place very early morning. We do our Easter cookies this night.

Day 1: HE IS RISEN!!!!!! Read Matthew 28,Mark 16, John 20. Talk about how Mary went to the tomb to see Jesus,and to her amazment the stone was rolled away,Jesus has RISEN!!!  The last egg will have nothing in it. Because it will symbolize Jesus has Risen.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

God surely does work in mysterious ways doesnt he,just when you think he is not listening or caring he is. We lost a precious baby much wanted baby in October last year and i thought for sure our days were over or numbered except much to my amaze last week,we found out we are expecting#8 November 25th. I am so excited but yet gaurded as well b/c of the loss we experienced.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Our Due date approaches

Our due date approaches but no baby will arrive. I feel so empty at times lately when I think how many people dont even know how I'm coping. I have a sweet daughter who her and I were due within days of each other and no one even cares to ask how are you doing. Having a Grandchild will be awesome and I hope people are right it could help with healing,some how I dont see it. Times I feel I am standing still to that day October 2nd the day my baby passed through my body the day that has changed my world. So many life changes has happened and yet I am still standing. I hate when people say,Nancy be happy and smile for what you have, but how can one do that. I am extremely happy for the children I have, and yes I do want more but that will never change my loss for a baby I so desperately needed at a time in my marriage where I rock bottom hit.

I see the look on y 10 yr olds face when we start talking about the loss, her eyes tear up and when I ask her if she is ok,she says yes it like any other pregnancy you always loose it. I hate to see that look and even explaining to her hurts b/c even at 10 she cant quite grasp the concept that some babies are not meant to be here on earth but in heaven. Then she says will how will they know who you are, they will know their momma.

I wish the pain did/does not have to be so painful,I wish it would just go away and never return.